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Title | Description | Language | Access | |
A Trainer’s and Supervisor’s Guide to the IPS Manual | Discussions and exercises that correspond with the manual. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
Accommodations for Secondary Education Worksheet | Form to structure conversation about disclosing personal info with educators. | English | Program Tools, Supported Education | |
Agency Readiness Checklist | Guide for determining whether an agency is ready to implement IPS. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
Agency Technical Assistance Agreement | Outline of state and agency responsibilities for implementation. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
An IPS Supervisor’s Guide to Community-based Services | An IPS Supervisor’s Guide to Community-based Services | English | Uncategorized | |
An Update on Individual Placement and Support | This article from World Psychiatry provides information on new developments in IPS. | English | IPS Learning Community, Research | |
ASPIRE Issue Brief August 2024 | Implementing Individual Placement and Support in rural communities: Barriers and strategies. | English | Uncategorized | |
Benefits of Connecting to Natural Supports | Document from Illinois IPS explains the benefits of natural supports. | English | Family Resources | |
Benefits of Joining the IPS Learning Community | A summary for IPS Supervisors of the benefits of joining the IPS Learning Community. | English | IPS Learning Community | |
Bilingual Client Brochure | A brochure in French and English for introducing IPS to new clients. | English, French | Advocacy Tools, IPS Learning Community, Program Tools | |
Bilingual Employer Brochure | A brochure in French and English to introduce employers to IPS. | English, French | Advocacy Tools, IPS Learning Community | |
Blog: IPS, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Employers | A blog posting on our site about the partnerships between IPS, Vocational Rehabilitation, and employers. | English | Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Business Relations Specialists | Role of Business Relations Specialists in Vocational Rehabilitation Offices | English | Advocacy Tools | |
Career Advancement in IPS – Part 2 | Newsletter - Winter 2014 | English | Newsletter, Program Tools | |
Career Advancement in IPS – Part 1 | Newsletter - Summer 2013 | English | Newsletter, Program Tools | |
Career Profile Form | Record person's career goals and experiences. | English | Program Tools | |
Career Profile Form (Spanish) | Record person's career goals and experiences. | Spanish | Program Tools | |
Career Profile Form (Norwegian) | Record person's career goals and experiences. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
Career Profile Form (Finnish) | This form can be used to record person's career goals and experiences. This is the Finnish version. | Finnish | IPS Learning Community, Program Tools | |
Career Profile Form (Swedish) | This form (Swedish version) can be used to record a person's career goals and experiences. | Swedish | Program Tools | |
Career Profile Form (Swedish) | This form can be used to record person's career goals and experiences. This is the Swedish version. | Swedish | IPS Learning Community, Program Tools | |
Career Profile French | This form can be used to record person's career goals and experiences. This is the French version. | French | Uncategorized | |
Career Profile Tip Sheet | Guidelines for completing the career profile. | English | Program Tools | |
Career Profile Tip Sheet – Spanish | Career Profile Tip Sheet in Spanish | Spanish | Uncategorized | |
Changing Clinician Attitudes | Newsletter - Winter 2018 | English | Newsletter | |
Clark’s Story | Personal story of recovery from mental illness through work. | English | Advocacy Tools | |
Cost-Effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support | Brief by Gary Bond discussing the cost effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support. | English | Uncategorized | |
Cultural Awareness in IPS | Newsletter - Summer 2014 | English | Newsletter, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Data and Record Keeping | Methods of organizing records for good fidelity. | English | Fidelity Tools, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Disclosure Worksheet – English version | Form to structure conversation about disclosing personal info with employers. | English | Program Tools | |
Disclosure Worksheet (Norwegian) | Form to structure conversation about disclosing personal info with employers. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
Disclosure Worksheet (French) | Form to structure conversation about disclosing personal info with employers. | French | Program Tools | |
Education Experience Form | Record person's start/stop education or tech training program. | English | Program Tools | |
Education Experience Form (Spanish) | Record person's start/stop education or tech training program. | Spanish | Program Tools, Supported Education | |
Education Experience Form (Norwegian) | Record person's start/stop education or tech training program. | Norwegian | Program Tools, Supported Education | |
Education Search Plan | Education Search Plan | English | Program Tools | |
Education Support Plan | Education Support Plan | English | Program Tools | |
Employment and Education Services for Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions | This brief describes IPS services for young adults. | English | State Leader/Training Tools, Supported Education | |
Employment Assistance (IPS and VR) | A description of the difference between IPS and VR and how the two can work together. | English | Family Resources | |
Employment & Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders | Newsletter - Summer 2012 | English | Newsletter, Program Tools | |
Employment Specialist Job Description | Sample employment specialist job description. | English | Program Tools | |
Employment Specialist Job Description (Norwegian) | Sample employment specialist job description. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
Employment Works! | Newsletter - Winter 2009 | English | Newsletter | |
Engaging Employers | Newsletter - Summer 2018 | English | Newsletter | |
Evidence for IPS | Summary of Research on IPS. | English | IPS Model, Research, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Evidence for IPS – Study References | List of references on IPS research. | English | IPS Model, Research | |
FAFSA Quiz | FAFSA Quiz | English | Uncategorized | |
FAFSA Quiz with Answers | FAFSA Quiz with answers | English | Uncategorized | |
Family Advocates Group | A short description of the Family Advocates Group. | English | Advocacy Tools, Family Resources, IPS Learning Community | |
Family Engagement Checklist | This checklist includes examples of activities that many state teams have used to engage and include family members in IPS implementation. | English | Advocacy Tools, Family Resources | |
Fidelity Action Plan | Sample quality improvement plan. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
Fidelity Manual (Swedish) | This document is a Swedish language version of the fidelity manual that will help guide you through fidelity reviews. | Swedish | Fidelity Tools | |
Fidelity Scale Score Sheet (Swedish) | This document helps score items on the fidelity scale. This is Swedish language version of this document. | Swedish | Fidelity Tools | |
Field Mentoring Checklist for IPS | Record field mentoring activities and outcomes. | English | Program Tools | |
Field Mentoring Checklist for Job Development | Job development training guide. | English | Program Tools | |
Field Mentoring Checklist for Job Development (Norwegian) | Job development training guide. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
French Supported Employment and Education Flyer | A poster describing how an IPS Specialist can help you get back to work or school. | French | Advocacy Tools, IPS Learning Community, Program Tools | |
Funding Crosswalk: Coordinating and Leveraging Resources to Increase Competitive Integrated Employment | This guide includes funding strategies for IPS, and resources for acquiring further information for individual states. | English | Uncategorized | |
Funding for IPS | Spring 2022 Newsletter | English | Newsletter | |
Gaining Employment Booklet | Job search tips for job seekers and IPS specialists. | English | Program Tools | |
Glossary | Definitions of terms. | English | IPS Model | |
Guide to Individualized Job Supports | Guidelines for effective job supports. | English | Program Tools | |
Handbook for IPS Peer Specialists | This manual describes the role of the IPS Peer Specialist. | English | Peer Specialists | |
Helping Individuals Consider Employment | Tips for mental health practitioners | English | Program Tools | |
Helping Individuals Consider Employment (French) | A worksheet designed to help mental health practitioners talk to clients about employment. | French | Program Tools | |
Helping Job Seekers with Legal History | Tips for employment specialists working with people with a legal history. | English | Program Tools | |
Hiring IPS Employment Specialist | Interview questions and hiring tips | English | Program Tools | |
Hiring people with legal histories: Employers’ perspectives | Employer survey about their reasons for hiring people with legal histories. | English | Program Tools | |
How Do COVID-Related Isolation, Job Loss, and Stress Impact Behavioral Health? | A presentation given by Gary Bond for the National Disability Forum. | English | COVID-19 Resources, Research | |
How to Include Family Members in the Employment Plan | Presentation from the Family Advocates webinar. | English | Family Resources | |
Work is Recovery Packet – Family and Peer Advocates | A comprehensive packet intended to be used to educate family and peer stakeholders and others about the importance of work to a person's recovery. | English | Advocacy Tools, Family Resources, IPS Learning Community | |
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Practice Principles PPT | A resource for IPS Trainers - PPT on IPS Practice Principles | English | Uncategorized | |
Interview Questions for VR Counselors | Sample interview questions. | English | Fidelity Tools, Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Introduction to IPS Presentation | This PowerPoint provides an introduction to Individual Placement and Support. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
Introduction to IPS Supported Employment – Notes | Notes for the Introduction to IPS presentation. | English | IPS Model | |
IPS and Clubhouse Programs | The Summer 2017 edition of our IPS Newsletter | English | Newsletter | |
IPS and Education | Description of the IPS Supported Education practice principles. | English | IPS Model, Supported Education | |
IPS and Justice Involvement | Chicago Study of IPS for People with Justice Involvement | English | IPS Model, Research | |
IPS and Rurality | Implementing IPS in Rural Areas | English | IPS Model, Research | |
IPS Chart Review Form | Chart review note-taking template. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Family Advocates | Project about family participation in the learning community. | English | Family Resources, IPS Learning Community | |
IPS Fidelity | Newsletter - Winter 2016 | English | Fidelity Tools, Newsletter | |
IPS Fidelity Manual | Fidelity visit procedures and scoring. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Manual (Japanese version) | Fidelity visit procedures and scoring. | Japanese | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Report | Sample fidelity report. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Scale – English | 25-item fidelity scale. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Scale (Norwegian version) | 25-item fidelity scale. | Norwegian | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Scale (Spanish version) | 25-item fidelity scale. | Spanish | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Scale (Japanese version) | 25-item fidelity scale. | Japanese | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Scale (Finnish version) | This is the Finnish version of the 25-item fidelity scale. | Finnish | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS-Y (IPS Fidelity Scale for Young Adults) | A version of the IPS fidelity scale designed to assess fidelity for programs working with young adults. | English | Fidelity Tools, Program Tools | |
IPS Fidelity Scale (French version) | This is the French version of the 25-item fidelity scale. | French | Fidelity Tools, IPS Learning Community | |
IPS for Other Populations | Newsletter - Fall 2020 | English | Newsletter | |
IPS for Participants and Families | Information for participants and families. | English | IPS Model | |
IPS for Young Adults | Newsletter - Summer 2015 | English | Newsletter, Program Tools | |
IPS for Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness Issue Brief | This document describes IPS adaptations for serving young adults. | English | Issue Briefs | |
IPS Funding in the U.S. – 2020 Update | An updated infographic describing how states in the Learning Community fund IPS. | English | IPS Learning Community, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools, Vocational Rehabilitation | |
IPS History, Current Status and Future Directions_Drake Bond 2023 | A review that addresses the history, principles, research, and future directions of IPS, as well as current evidence on employment and non-vocational outcomes, cost-effectiveness and attempts to extend IPS to new populations. | English | IPS Learning Community, IPS Model, Research | |
IPS Implementation Tips | Recommendations for implementing IPS in states, regions, or countries. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS in Illinois | NAMI article about IPS. | English | IPS Model | |
IPS in Peer Programs | Vermont Demonstration Project | English | IPS Model, Peer Specialists | |
IPS International | Newsletter - Fall 2019 | English | Newsletter | |
IPS Learning Communities | Newsletter - Fall 2016 | English | Newsletter | |
IPS Learning Community Outcomes 2024 | A guide for the Quarterly Outcomes Report for the IPS Learning Community. | English | IPS Learning Community, Outcome Reports | |
IPS Peer Specialists | Job description of the IPS peer specialist. | English | Peer Specialists | |
IPS Practice and Principles (English version) | Description of IPS. | English | Advocacy Tools, IPS Model, Program Tools | |
IPS Practice and Principles (Japanese version) | Description of IPS. | Japanese | Advocacy Tools, IPS Model, Program Tools | |
IPS Program Continuous Quality Improvement Report | IPS Program Continuous Quality Improvement Report | English | Uncategorized | |
IPS Program Implementation Plan | Sample written plan with steps for implementation. | English | Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS Quiz | A quiz used before and after training. | English | Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS Quiz Answer Key | IPS Quiz with answers. | English | Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS Steering Committee Early Implementation Meeting | Sample Agenda. | English | Program Tools | |
IPS Steering Committee Mid-Implemenation Meeting | Sample Agenda. | English | Program Tools | |
IPS Steering Committee Pre-Implementation Meeting | Sample agenda. | English | Program Tools | |
IPS Steering Committee Sustaining Meeting | Sample agenda. | English | Program Tools | |
IPS Steering Committees | Description of IPS steering committees. | English | Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS Steering Committees | This is our Spring 2021 edition of the IPS Supported Employment Newsletter, Employment Works! | English | Newsletter | |
IPS Supervisor Job Description | Sample IPS supervisor job description. | English | Program Tools | |
IPS Supervisor Job Description (Norwegian) | Sample IPS supervisor job description. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
IPS Supported Employment and State Vocational Rehabilitation: A Crosswalk | Comparison between IPS and Vocational Rehabilitation. | English | State Leader/Training Tools, Vocational Rehabilitation | |
IPS Supported Employment: Community-based Services for Agency Leaders | IPS Supported Employment: Community-based Services for Agency Leaders | English | Uncategorized | |
IPS Supported Employment in Rural and Frontier Areas | Strategies for overcoming challenges in frontier and rural IPS programs. | English | Program Tools | |
IPS Supported Employment Roadmap | Strategies for effective implementation. | English | Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS Trainer Job Description | Sample job description. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS Trainer Job Interview | Interview questions and suggestions for hiring IPS trainers. | English | Program Tools | |
IPS Training Guide for Social Service Agencies | This workbook will help IPS supervisors and trainers teach IPS specialists about IPS practice principles and the skills necessary to deliver effective IPS services. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
IPS Training & Technical Assistance PPT | Resource for trainers - IPS Training & Technical Assistance PPT | English | Uncategorized | |
IPS Transition Plan Form (Finnish Version) | Plan for participants leaving IPS program. | Finnish | Program Tools | |
IPS-Y Fidelity Chart Review | A document to assist fidelity reviewers completing an IPS-Y (Young Adult) fidelity review. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS-Y Fidelity Report Template | A tool for writing IPS-Y fidelity reports | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS-Y Scheduling Letter | This letter template helps fidelity reviewers prepare IPS Supervisors for fidelity review visits. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS-Y Stakeholder Questions | Sample questions to ask different stakeholder groups for fidelity review with the IPS-Y scale. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
IPS-Y Stakeholder Questions (Education Only) | Sample questions to ask different stakeholder groups about education for fidelity review with the IPS-Y scale. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
Issue Brief: Employment and Education Services for Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions | Issue Brief describing IPS services for young adults. | English | IPS Model, Issue Briefs, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Issue Brief: Employment and Education Services for Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions | An issue brief summarizing findings of employment outcomes for young adults with mental health conditions, strategies for IPS implementation, and an IPS fidelity scale for the young adult age group. | English | Uncategorized | |
Issue Brief: Implementation Guide for State Leaders | This issue brief outlines how state leaders can facilitate the implementation, quality, and longevity of IPS services. | English | Issue Briefs, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Issue Brief: IPS Supported Employment and State Vocational Rehabilitation – A Crosswalk | A guide for mental health leaders responsible for IPS services about the federal-state vocational rehabilitation (VR) system and facilitating collaboration with VR administrators and counselors. | English | Issue Briefs, Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Job End Form | Record details of when person ends employment. | English | Program Tools | |
Job End Form (Spanish) | Record details of when person ends employment. | Spanish | Program Tools | |
Job End Form (Norwegian) | Records details of when person ends employment. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
Job End Form (Finnish Version) | This document can be used to record details of when a person ends employment. | Finnish | Program Tools | |
Job Search Plan | Job Search Plan | English | Program Tools | |
Job Seekers with Legal History Worksheet | A guide for job seekers on how to disclose legal history to employers. | English | Program Tools | |
Job Seekers with Legal History Worksheet (French) | A guide for job seekers on how to disclose legal history to employers. | French | Program Tools | |
Job Start Form | Record details of a person's new job. | English | Program Tools | |
Job Start Form (Spanish) | Record details of a person's new job. | Spanish | Program Tools | |
Job Start Form (Norwegian) | Record details of a person's new job. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
Job Start Form – Finnish | This document (Finnish version) can be used to record details of a person's new job. | English | IPS Learning Community, Program Tools | |
Job Support Plan | Job Support Plan | English | Uncategorized | |
Justice Involvement Issue Brief | An introduction to better serving individuals with justice involvement. | English | Issue Briefs | |
Letter to Families for Fidelity Reviews | A sample letter to send to family members who agree to be interviewed as part of an IPS program’s fidelity review. | English | Family Resources, Fidelity Tools | |
Making the Case for IPS, 2023 | A document for IPS advocacy. | English | Advocacy Tools, IPS Model, Issue Briefs | |
Measuring Access to IPS and Employment Outcomes for Historically Underserved Groups | This issue brief provides guidance to implement systematic data collection on race and ethnicity in IPS programs and report data in a standardized format. | English | Issue Briefs, Research, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Justice Involvement | The Spring 2019 edition of IPS Works, featuring stories about IPS for Justice Involvement. | English | Newsletter | |
Observing Employer Meetings | Procedures for observing employer meetings. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
Partnering with Family Members in IPS | A document written by Family Advocates for IPS, encouraging family members to be involved with loved ones enrolled in IPS services. | English | Family Resources | |
Peer Roles in Supported Employment | Presentation on incorporating peers in IPS. | English | Peer Specialists | |
Physical Wellness for Work | Workbook to help clients track physical well-being. | English | Peer Specialists | |
Plan for Engaging Family | This document helps individuals think about the advantages and disadvantages of including family in their employment journey. | English | Family Resources | |
Plan for Funding IPS Services | Fillable plan to help track possible funding streams for IPS Services. | English | Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Policy Bulletin 1 | Facts about IPS and policy implications. | English | Advocacy Tools | |
Policy Bulletin 2 | Cost-effectiveness of IPS. | English | Advocacy Tools | |
Practical Strategies to Finance IPS Issue Brief | This document describes the benefits and challenges of different strategies for financing IPS. | English | Issue Briefs | |
Providing IPS Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Strategies for providing IPS services in a pandemic from around the International IPS Learning Community. | English | COVID-19 Resources, IPS Learning Community | |
Interview Questions for VR Supervisors/Administrators | Sample interview questions. | English | Fidelity Tools, Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Randomized Controlled Trials | List of randomized controlled trials of IPS. | English | IPS Model | |
Recovery and IPS | Presentation on evidence-based approach to recovery. | English | IPS Model | |
Research Update Presentation | Gary Bond's presentation from the 2023 Annual Meeting provides an update on research surrounding IPS. | English | Research | |
Role of Employment in Recovery | Newsletter - Winter 2012 | English | Newsletter | |
Role of the IPS Trainer | Typical activities of IPS trainers. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
Sample Agency IPS Kickoff Plan | This document provides a sample agenda for a Kick Off Meeting to promote IPS services. | English | Program Tools | |
Sample Agency Training Plan | Outline of training topics and activities. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
Sample Education Plan | Example of an education plan | English | Supported Education | |
Sample Employer Contact Log | Form for tracking employer information and visits. | English | Program Tools | |
Sample Employer Contact Log (Norwegian) | Form for tracking employer information and visits. | Norwegian | Program Tools | |
Sample Employer Contact Log (Finnish) | Form (Finnish version) for tracking employer information and visits. | Finnish | IPS Learning Community, Program Tools | |
Sample Employer Contact Log (Swedish) | Form (Swedish version) for tracking employer information and visits. | Swedish | IPS Learning Community, Program Tools | |
Sample Employment Specialist Orientation Checklist | Information for training new employment specialists. | English | Program Tools | |
Sample Fidelity Action Plan for IPS-Y | Sample quality improvement plan for programs serving young adults. | English | Fidelity Tools | |
Sample Job Search Plan 1 | Personalized plan for job search. | English | Program Tools | |
Sample Supervisor Data Table | Excel table for tracking program data. | English | Program Tools | |
State Data Systems to Track Program Performance | PPT describes effective data systems for states. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
State Health Authority Yardstick (SHAY) | A checklist rating state-level activities and policies toward implementation and sustainment of an evidence-based practice. | English | State Leader/Training Tools | |
State-Level Barriers and Facilitators to IPS Implementation | This issue brief identifies common barriers and facilitators to implementing IPS supported employment and strategies to overcome the barriers, leading to successful implementation, maintenance, and growth of IPS programs. | English | Issue Briefs, Program Tools, Research | |
Strategies for Rural IPS programs | Tips for providing IPS in rural and frontier agencies. | English | Program Tools | |
Supported Education Checklist | An excel spreadsheet to help record interventions and guide fidelity reviews. | English | Fidelity Tools, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools, Supported Education | |
Supported Education Checklist Instructions | A guide to using our excel file checklist for supported education. | English | Fidelity Tools, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools, Supported Education | |
Supported Education Issue Brief | An issue brief on Supported Education for Persons Experiencing a First Episode of Psychosis. | English | Issue Briefs, Program Tools, Supported Education | |
Talking with Potential Job Seekers about the Coronavirus | A worksheet meant to help guide a conversation between IPS specialists or peer specialists with IPS participants about Covid-19. | English | COVID-19 Resources | |
Tennessee IPS Legislative Infographic (PDF) | Developed by our Tennessee colleagues, this infographic can be edited to for your state to show legislators the effectiveness of IPS. | English | Advocacy Tools, IPS Learning Community | |
Tennessee IPS Legislative Infographic (Word) | Developed by our Tennessee colleagues, this infographic can be edited to for your state to show legislators the effectiveness of IPS. | English | Advocacy Tools, IPS Learning Community | |
The Effectiveness of Peer Support in Personal and Clinical Recovery—Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | The Effectiveness of Peer Support in Personal and Clinical Recovery—Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | English | Uncategorized | |
The International IPS Learning Community | Description of the learning community. | English | IPS Learning Community | |
The Value to Employers | Newsletter - Winter 2015 | English | Newsletter | |
The Who What When Where How of Natural Supports | Helps identify natural supports and the ways they can help. | English | Family Resources | |
Tips for Encouraging More IPS Referrals | Some pointers for pumping up referrals for IPS specialists. | English | Program Tools | |
Tips for Talking about Employment | A resource for mental health and housing practitioners. | English | Program Tools | |
Tips from the Field on Program Implementation | Newsletter - Winter 2013 | English | Newsletter, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
Trainer’s Guide to Supported Employment | Guide to providing IPS services. | English | Program Tools | |
Transition Plan | Transition Plan | English | Uncategorized | |
Using Person-First Language | How to use person-first language to talk about mental illness | English | Advocacy Tools | |
Vermont IPS Positive Brainstorming | From our colleagues in Vermont, this document helps think about matching strengths to jobs. | English | IPS Learning Community, Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
WIOA Definition Includes the IPS Model | Supported Employment and IPS Definitions | English | Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Pre-ETS and IPS Wisconsin Crosswalk | A crosswalk between Pre-Employment Transition Services (pre-ETS) and IPS developed by the Wisconsin IPS Youth workgroup to help agencies work together. | English | Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Workflow and Family Natural Supports | A document from Illinois IPS to help identify a support network. | English | Family Resources | |
IPS and ACT Guide | Guidelines and recommended standards for IPS and ACT teams working together. | English | Program Tools, State Leader/Training Tools | |
WOTC Fact Sheet | A summary of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit | English | Advocacy Tools | |
Young Adults & Career Advancement | Newsletter - Spring 2020 | English | Newsletter | |
Youth Manual Chapter 10 | IPS for Mental Health and Housing Practitioners | English | Advocacy Tools, Program Tools | |
Youth Manual Chapter 9 | IPS for Youth, Their Family Members, and Educators | English | Advocacy Tools, Family Resources, Program Tools |