Alabama has announced an exciting initiative to share success stories through a new series of video testimonials. The videos are part of a collaborative effort between the Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH), the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS), and community mental health centers. The video series will highlight some of the many ways IPS has benefited individuals with mental illness, businesses, and communities since it was implemented in Alabama in 2015.
Jessica Hales, ADMH Coordinator of Adult Mental Illness Services, shared her perspective on the positive effect of IPS. “ADMH IPS-Supported Employment programs have helped over 180 adults with serious mental illness find employment. This is a huge success for the participants and our IPS teams, considering a high unemployment rate for the individuals we serve statewide. Integrating IPS within the mental health system creates access for people who may not otherwise walk across the threshold of traditional employment programs.”
To learn more about the new initiative, you can read the full release here. And be sure to watch the first video in the series, featuring IPS client Turner and his employer Martha’s Place.